
Thu 18 May 2023


Posted by www.Linkidea.cn in blog/adetail   

< p >俄罗斯白色清关的手续繁琐是相对于灰色清关而言的。而且俄境内不同清关点海关工作效率也不尽相同,同时一次性申报货物种类的多少也影响到通关速度。单一品种的货物通关速度较快,一次性申报货物品种较多,则查验时间较长,通关速度也会长一些。总体而言,目前正常的通关时间大致为2-7天。

< p > the formalities of white customs clearance in Russia are cumbersome compared with gray customs clearance. Moreover, the customs work efficiency of different customs clearance points in Russia is also different. At the same time, the number of types of goods declared at one time also affects the speed of customs clearance. The customs clearance speed of a single variety of goods is faster. If there are more varieties of goods declared at one time, the inspection time is longer and the customs clearance speed is also longer. Generally speaking, the normal customs clearance time is about 2-7 days.best to buy Instagram subscribers 2022,ins likes